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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The More Money you have?

The Ancient Egyptians also determined thing by there how much money you have. If you were one of the wealthier people you'd get better quality toys,If you were a family with not alot of money you'd get toys made of simple cheap materials such as clay or Nile silt. wealthier family's had toys made of wood and they sometimes had movable jaws and lims.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The most populer game!

The most popular game was probably tug of war they had tournaments one on one and even 10 on 10! Bit another really popular game was boat racing they raced up and down parts of the Nile! I wish i was an ancient Egyptian I would be good at boat racing.

what the kids played with

Egyptian kids loved playing with toys like balls,puppets,dolls,mini war weapons,rattles,animals toys like the crocodile with a jaw that opens and closes, as you can they loved toys they played catch with the ball and they often reenacted battles

Extra! Extra! read all about it egypts got water sports and there proud of it!

Have you ever heard of water jousting the Egyptians have. The ancient Egyptians used the Nile for many things including games ya! games! Like boat racing water jousting and fishing. The jousting involved two or more teams of three one paddler and on fighter. The fighter would try to tip or nock someone of there boat the last boat with both people in wins!

Why do all the Kids get to have Fun?

There are many Egyptian games. From playing catch all the way to wrestling and here are some of the ones I learned. Almost every one in there society new how to juggle but it was usually  the kids having fun they played a bunch of games we still play now like tug of war wrestling playing catch but heres a game I don't think any ones played in a while the latter game.One kid gets on another kids back they race around playing catch!